Sunday, March 25, 2012

Family Day

Family Day

Spent a good portion of the day with my family which was nice.

Started the day with a haircut though. Told her I really wanted to buzz it but out of deference to my conservative family… to get as short as she can while still leaving some… “style.” I don’t have the energy to dick around with my hair these days. I just want to be able to step out of the shower and go.

She did a good job. It’s still “cute” but it’s sufficiently short to not need any actual effort at all. just want I wanted.

Then had to go to work because of a late car. blegh. Cause that’s what I wanted to do after a long ass week— go to work. Took care of that one, then headed to mom’s. We ended up going shopping which I needed, but holyshit did I overdo it. By the time we were ringing up at the register, I was white as a sheet and my gran thought I was going to pass out. Just so so tired. I forget still sometimes how quickly I wear down.

I did manage to get some more work pants… since black, stretchy, slinky fabric pants are about all I’m comfortable in in public anymore, as well as 2 new pairs of comfy pants and a few new shirts. Oh and a new purse. heh. Since I’m still not up to carrying my camera 24/7 … I can enjoy having cute purses for awhile. Mom and I actually both got the same one. it’s prettiful.

Of course then I was totally exhausted, but we spent the rest of the day at the house, relaxing, watching a movie. Aside from just being… completely wrung out— it was a really lovely day.

And yet at the same time… such a vivid reminder of how deep I am right now. I’m so worn out.. and ready for this to be over and done with. I shouldn’t have punked out after one shopping trip. :sigh:

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