Sunday, March 31, 2013

Dare to Hope

Sometimes when I think about how next week (the 9th) I start injections… and how they’re supposed to work… and work for up to a month (sometimes 2)… I start to get hopeful.
I start to remember what it was like to have free use of my own body.  What it was like to take off to the lake at sunset and walk around until the sun went down.  What it was like to meander around with my camera.  
I remember doing the Kelby Photowalk the first time, and hiking around downtown without worrying about spoons, without being distracted and driven half-mad with pain.
I dare to hope that maybe for a short time… I might get that back.
But I keep stopping myself from making actual plans.  Because there’s still a 20% chance of getting a placebo.  Because there’s still always a chance that even if I get the drug it might not work.
And I’m scared about that too.  
Because I feel like there’s a really good chance that… at least for awhile, I might actually get my life back.
And I think maybe I’m scared that I’ll get used to it- and then it’ll all fall apart again.
I am more afraid of that then I am of my actual cancer coming back.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Truth in Advertising

they talk about
in advertising
in the way
they nip and tuck
our bodies
a mouse
and a 
a computer
they talk about
in advertising
this weeks
vodka at 
this months
hottest bar
in this year’s
hottest city
all working
to ease their way
into your
they talk about
in advertising
but where was
when they talked about
the big black spot
that was cancer
and their miracle
and showed me 
a brochure
filled with
they talk about
in advertising
but where was 
when I asked
about my 
my fear
and they
said oh yes
that happens.
they talk about
in advertising
but where was
when remission
wasn’t just simple
and smooth
and shiny
like they showed me
in my brochure
They talk about
in advertising
but this isn’t
what they sold me
in my brochure
This isn’t
they sold me
but the ad-man says
I should just be
happy enough
that i am simply
They talk about
in advertising
but sometimes
what you get
is the bait
and switch

    Monday, March 18, 2013

    Tiny Circles

    I circle.
    I walk this rotation
    between hope
    and temperance.
    between daring
    to believe
    in something that
    seems to work 
    for so many
    and the knowledge
    that often
    I find myself
    in the fringes
    and in a matter of 
    I’ll line up
    for my chance
    to see
    for myself.
    the pain of
    pins and needles
    for the pricks
    of needlepoints
    and I walk my tiny
    daring to 
    hope for more
    and more
    of the
    all over

      Saturday, March 16, 2013

      The Plan

      Ok really bad pain day. :meep:  In addition to our usual feet in a vice, we also have burning toes for extra fun.
      BUT you are looking at the newest volunteer in the Tetrodotoxin post-chemo neuropathy dosage trial.
      Btw… that comes with a buttload of paperwork.. seriously diaries
      The Orange is my Pain Medication Diary which will largely remain empty since I don’t really take any.  I mean for the next week my topa max will get recorded, but once I’m done with that, there won’t be anything else.
      The Green is for Non-Pain Meds (basically will end up recording nyquil nights)
      And the Blue is symptoms… date started, time started, ongoing yes or no etc.
      This binder also has all the consent paperwork (dude it’s a chunk), plus the schedule form, the call-in page with my subject ID and pin # for when I start calling in with my pain scores (starting on the 25th of March.
      I start weaning off the Topamax today (THANK GOD) and he said I should start getting back some of my mental acuity as I get away from it.  Halleluia.  I start calling in my pain scores on the 25th, and my treatment week is the 9th of April.  It means missing school the rest of that week.  So after break I will be going to the disabilities office so they can help me navigate it with my profs.
      The good news is that for the people who have had success with this, the effects can last for up to a month, in some cases- up to 60 days.  Pain free for up to SIXTY DAYS.  Like… just the thought of that made me tear up.  
      After the trial  there is a plan in place evidently to keep participants connected with the drug as a prescription and provide them with tools to be able to administer it at home as needed as well if it is successful for them.  Details to follow post study.
      I’m trying not to get my hopes up.  But honestly, even if it DOESN’T work, at least I feel like we’re DOING something now to try and find a solution.
      So that’s the plan for now..

        On Pain and Prettiness

        I don’t think I realized until today just how… unpretty my pain has made me feel. For the last few weeks, I’ve been lamenting about how my bionic shoes don’t really go with the whole… wearing dresses thing.
        Not that they’re not cute.. for sneakers. It’s just that they’re loaded with tech (roll-bar technology, extra balance assistance, etc.etc…) that helps to keep me stable when my pain and other neuropic issues would otherwise have me falling over.
        But they’re sneakers. Grey and white with purple and some pinkish accents. I can’t exactly wear them with a cocktail dress.
        Since it’s been so cold until lately it hasn’t really been something I thought about anyway. My focus has been on staying warm. And because of that I don’t think I really noticed how unpretty my pain has made me feel.
        For me prettiness was a revolution. And that revolution came in the form of a dress. First one- and then another, and another, and another. Until ¼ of my closet was dresses lined up one after another. It was a rebellion against 20 years of self-hatred and body violence that manifested in disordered eating and thought and self-injury. It was casting off the mantle of “monster” that I adopted after years of abuse. It was accepting that I had the right to be VISIBLE in the world. It was accepting that I had the right to feel and be and be seen as BEAUTIFUL. Even though the conventional beauty standards would have me believe otherwise.
        And for me- a dress was the ultimate symbol of all of that. It was the thing I had denied myself for 20 long years.
        So when I started wearing dresses it was more than a victory- it was something that made me re-evaluate even the way I identified myself within my sexuality. The way I identified my sexual presentation. I started, for the first time… to embrace the idea of being Femme. Hard femme, sure, but Femme. It stopped being such a foreign concept to me. It started to be familiar, and comfortable, and honest. And beautiful.
        The pain that comes with neuropathy though, has made me feel so unpretty. And it wasn’t really until today that I even realized how much. It’s more than just the dress wearing although that’s part of it. There’s an accessibility to the way I reach that feeling of prettiness. For me- as silly as it may seem to some- that :needs: a dress. Maybe someday I’ll be beyond that (and sometimes I do have moments). But for me, I need that flowing skirt, the long lines, the ethereal feel of it around my body.
        But with pain, especially constant pain, there comes a certain… curmudgeon-ness. Not because I’m cranky, or hopeless, or mad at the world (although I have those moments too)… but because I’m just so limited. Because my energy is limited. Because smiling and putting on a happy face takes energy that has to be saved and used elsewhere. A life-long history of self-hatred means that exuding “prettiness” (even on my own terms) takes energy… and living in constant pain means choosing with excruciating precision how that energy is used.
        I don’t feel pretty most of the time. I feel tired. I feel frustrated. I feel worn down. I feel heavy. And I’m sure that to the world around me, I look it. This week I’m sensing that more and more. I mentioned last night about how more and more I’m being offered assistance by strangers. Having doors held open. Being asked if I need help. Being asked if I’m ok. The world has noticed that I am not ok.
        And maybe that’s part of what me take notice too. I’m not passing anymore. So today when I got up and suddenly remembered that I have a dress that actually sort of matches those chunky bionic sneakers I dove for it. I pulled it from its drawer, shook it out, and put it on and the transformation was almost magical.
        It was like waking up again. And I realized just how unpretty I’ve really been feeling. Not unattractive, mind. As you can see by my fantastic fatspo coloring book page… I am plenty fabulous. Bald, fat, dapper, whatever. But PRETTY. I missed feeling pretty. I missed the ethereal, featherweight feeling of prettiness. And it’s the chronic, neverending pain that takes that from me. My pain is heavy and draining. It holds me down. I won’t say it makes me feel ugly- that’s not accurate. But it definitely makes me feel unpretty.
        When I was doing radiation and chemo, and then chemo again- I still maintained the lightness that was “pretty.” I was able to still wear my dresses. In fact I mostly wore dresses during those days. It was summer (for one thing), and sundresses/maxi dresses during radiation days made it easy to get in and out of hospital gowns for treatment. For chemo days, it meant easy access to my port and the least amount of discomfort during 6 hour days in a chair receiving chemo through iv. They were light and airy.
        It also meant that even as my body changed shape and size, as the hair on my head fell out, as my eyelashes and eyebrows disappeared… I still got up each day and stepped to my closet and chose something light and lovely and long and feminine. And I could still connect myself with the lightness that was “pretty.”
        But my pain doesn’t allow for pretty. At least, it hasn’t. It’s something I will probably struggle with for awhile. Finding a “cute” cane helps. It didn’t match my outfit today, but at least it was cute in its own right. And I may just have to accept that my shoes are not going to match all my dresses. It’s something I will have to just… get over.
        Because I miss the lightness of feeling pretty. It matters to me. That sensation. The way it made me feel- it was healthy. It was healing. The connection to that part of me- really? It helped me survive. And I think it’s important that I find a way to reconnect to that.
        So, over spring break… I’m pulling out my dresses… at least the long ones. I’ll shake them out. I’ll wash them. I’ll hang them back up in the closet. And I’ll start wearing them. People stare at me anyway. They stare at my cane and they wonder. What do I care if they judge that my shoes don’t match? Give them one more thing to wonder about. What matters is how I feel. And in a dress… in a dress I feel light, and lovely… I feel pretty.
        I need to reclaim the lightness that came from feeling “pretty.” I want to bring that lightness back. I deserve that.

        Friday, March 15, 2013

        3 Month Check... Check.

        btw in case you couldn’t tell, my oncology/pain mgmt nurse is in fact.. the BEST.
        And today I was super extra grateful for her because she actually listens to me and kind of.. hears the stuff I DON’T say.
        Which is why I’m now working with a social worker, and why I’m seeing the pain guy tomorrow instead of next month.
        So yeah.  Thank you Lord for Kelly.
        Also, my oncologist seemed genuinely surprised at the level of pain I’m in which was a little frustrating.  It was also frustrating to have her say that like 99% of people see the neuropathy get better and/or go away post chemo.  Because #1: i know that’s not true, and #2: that (inaccurate statistic) makes me feel WORSE not better.
        The stats are actually closer to 30-40% see post-chemo neuropathy as a long-term or semi-permanent issue. (at least from the reading and research I’ve been doing).  And it seems to be especially prevalent amongst gynecological cancer survivors for some reason.  
        In stats… that’s WELLL above the significance point.  So telling me that for 99% of people it goes away- just makes me feel worse- even though I know it’s not true.  Maybe in  your practice it’s rare, but statistically speaking that’s inaccurate.
        Also, she kept talking about exercising, which is the point at which I finally started crying and flat out said, “Dr. Kehoe- I exist at an 8.  24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  I’m not worrying about exercising.  I’m worrying about EXISTING.  I haven’t looked into a gym.  I haven’t looked into an elliptical.  I struggle to get through my DAY.”
        And I think that’s when she kind of got it finally.  It’s the only time she and I have ever really not been on the same page since I first saw her last year.  Ever.  So it was kind of frustrating.  Like I get where she’s coming from- bigger bodies do produce more estrogen (science fact), and because my Cancer was hormonal, it is in my best interest to be mindful of that.  But after years of targeted self-hatred, I have to temper that with not making my body a target again.  I don’t just sit on my ass and eat.  I eat healthfully, I don’t overeat… in truth- I’m a once or twice a day eater at this point.  Pain doesn’t exactly spur my apetite.  (And I am slowly but surely losing weight.  Not necessarily on purpose… it’s just happening.)
        But setting up a regular exercise routine isn’t my primary concern right now either.  Right now I have to figure out how to navigate my daily life without literally crumbling from the physical pain.  If we can figure out how to do that- then I would LOVE to walk more.  Or swim.  Or something.  My priority right now is physical existence.
        The only time Dr. K has ever seen me break down like that- was after my emergency D&C, so I think that sort of hit her finally just how bad things really are right now for me.  
        After we talked about it, she said she also wants to run some more extensive blood work too- just to make sure there isn’t something their missing that could be contributing to the pain.  She’s really concerned that the pain is getting WORSE.  Because it has gotten worse.  Anyone who has been seeing this progress can see that in the last few months it has been getting worse.  It seems to have leveled off in the last month, but since December when it went from mostly a night-time issue to an all the time issue, it started to get increasingly more painful.  
        So I’m glad about that, I don’t know that anything will show up there, but it’s good that she wants to be involved and be thorough.
        We’ll see.  But anyway, thanks to Kelly tomorrow I see Dr. M again, and hopefully I’ll have an idea of the actual schedule for the blowfish thing so when I go back after spring break I can talk to the disabilities office and they can help me navigate with my T/TH guy for the time off from class I’ll need etc.
        Plus, I’ll be getting connected with a psychologist at the Cancer center which I think I really need right now too.

        Tuesday, March 12, 2013

        Acupuncture Adventure

        She did warn me:
        it might make it worse
        for a little bit
        And in my head I laughed and thought
        yeah, right
        like there’s a worse
        and 9 hours later
        I want to rip
        the skin off my bones
        and cut away the muscle
        and the fat
        and the meat
        until there’s nothing left
        because surely
        my bare empty chalk
        of skeleton
        would ache less
        than what she left
        when she pulled
        those pins
        from out of my
        if only it was worth
        those 15 measly 
        of soft
        to the way
        things are
        She warned me.

          Saturday, March 9, 2013

          Switch Stick

          New cane arrived today.
Having an in-home day so haven’t used it yet, but it’s very pretty and snaps together and collapses easily.  
It really does fold down fairly small (into 4 bits) and should fit in the upper part of my aero pack (the backpack style camera bag) when I’m in class or out at restaurants or movies etc.
          New cane arrived today.
          Having an in-home day so haven’t used it yet, but it’s very pretty and snaps together and collapses easily.  
          It really does fold down fairly small (into 4 bits) and should fit in the upper part of my aero pack (the backpack style camera bag) when I’m in class or out at restaurants or movies etc.

          Monday, March 4, 2013

          Cane in Hand

          Been doing a lot of thinking today.  Lots of pain this weekend.  It’s getting worse instead of better.  It’s not a consistent downfall which is probably good, but there’s definitely not an improvement.  I haven’t called the acupuncturist yet- blame that on the social anxiety.  
          Went to the lake today to try and get the shots I wanted for my nature assignment which had to be uploaded by midnight (got them, and will post them here later)  This is the second time I’ve been down the lake since I finished chemo and even though there is still a lot of magic about it for me- it made me realize something today that I really didn’t want to.
          I need help.  
          Next to me, propped on the desk and leaning… is my new cane.
          My pain is getting worse and as it does- my mobility gets worse as well.  It gets  harder and harder for me to get to and from class, to and from stores, to and from… anywhere.  The lake was the big wake up call for me.  When I went out— last week? Week before?  First, I nearly fell off the pier.  The wind was high and I could barely keep my footing.  I left without getting the pictures I wanted.  I tried at another spot.  I got photos I needed for a different assignment- by sitting on the grass.  But as I tried to get up- I fell.  My feet went numb as I tried to get up and I bashed my knee.
          Today, I got my photos.   But I got them while clinging to a post.  I got them and barely made it back to the car.  Spent the rest of the day in even more pain.  Enough pain that when we went to the grocery store I actually did use one of the scooter carts- by choice.  
          I asked Kris if she still had any of her dad’s canes.  After we stopped at home and put up the groceries she went to her folks to tend to the birds, get the mail and all that- she came back with a new cane.  She stopped at CVS and got me my own.  It’s posh.  comfy handle, metallic marbled blue.
          I know it’s meant to make things easier.  And I know it would have made today especially easier.
          But I can’t quite wrap my head around it either.  It’s all just so weird.  
          31 years old. 
          Cancer survivor.
          Handicap Placard in the car.
          Cane in hand.