Saturday, October 13, 2012

2 More Sessions

I’m home.

Well… the craft fair wasn’t as busy as I was hoping.

I did sell 5 adult necklaces and 5 kids ones. I made about $160 all told. I was really hoping for a lot more. BUT for a first fair at an elementary school- it could have been worse.


I am in a lot of pain. I have been all day to be honest. A few steps below last night, but it’s creeping back up there. I took another dose of Vico but it’s not really touching it. I may have to do nyquil again to try and sleep through the worst of it.


I’m going to have to call my Onc. Nurse on Monday to request a refill, and to let them know that I’m definitely losing sensation in my feet. :/ I’m supposed to report any numbness or loss of sensation because it’s a possible side effect from one of the chemo drugs, but this is the first time it’s been noticeable enough for it to be worth letting them know. Not sure how worried I should be about it to be honest. The pain is a lot more of an issue than my slightly numbed feet.


I’m not going to lie, this round of chemo is kicking my ass. Totally different than the first round, and while I’m glad not to have the nausea that I had (although I still think that was mostly because of the radiation)… I’d almost rather deal with that than to be in the kind of pain I’m in.




2 more sessions and then I am hopefully declared Cancer free.


It was nice to be able to spend some time with my Aunt and the little cousins (when they weren’t out playing with the kids activities). And I even sold 1 photo which was cool.


Hopefully I’ll be able to do more craft/arts fairs in the future. But for now, I’m glad to be home and heading to bed. Time for nyquil and passing out to avoid the pain.

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