Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Too Tired

I actually talked to someone at Radiation today while I was waiting. (shocking, I know.) Another woman came out of the dressing room to wait and was asking how long my hair had been growing back (not the first time I’ve had this question) and I had to explain that I’d cut it way down, but that it hadn’t in fact, started falling out yet.


And she was saying that her hair didn’t start falling out until like.. her third treatment (my 3rd is this thursday), and that she did the same thing aftewards- cut it way down. She told me her current hair was a wig and that she was curious about the grow-back because her last chemo treatment had been in May and her hair wasn’t even as long as mine is.


I blogged a little bit about body issues in my other blog, and how I’ve realized that deep down, I’m actually disappointed that I haven’t lost any weight of real consequence. That was a hard thing to admit, and kind of fucked up really. :shrug:


From everything people keep telling me week 3 is when all the big bad side effects start to kick in.


Bring it on I guess. My stomach is already fucked up when I eat. My hips and pelvis are so sore and stiff. And I’m already exhausted all the fucking time. I don’t care anymore. I’m too tired to give a shit.

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