Had major issues with nausea last night, to the extent that when I did finally fall asleep- it was in my reclining chair in the living room. #1 lying down in bed made it worse and #2 the chair is closer to the accessible bathroom.
Around 5:30am, I got up, climbed in bed and mercifully (but fitfully) fell asleep there for a couple of hours. While everyone was getting up, getting ready for church, I fell asleep in my recliner again. Then at noon, I woke up, trudged back to the bedroom and slept in the bed for another couple of hours. Finally emerged at 230pm, everyone was home, in the living room, in the house, hanging, watching a movie, snoozing.
Ate half a sandwich to appease The Mom. Continued to fee nauseated most of the day.
Am still feeling nauseated. Took the last antibiotic this am…I’m hoping so so much that THAT was the cause of it all. I guess we’ll see tomorrow with it gone from my system. I did take an ambien tonight, and am down to one dilauted every 12 hours instead of every six. I’m really hoping that’s going to quell the nausea issue sufficiently.
BUT… Since I have to call about the injection scrip tomorrow, I’m going to ask for recommendations to fight the nausea while I have the nurse on the phone. Tomorrow is also wound-vac home health day. We’ll see how much progress I’ve made. Weds. I meet with the radiation doctor, thursday with the oncology NP again. 31st is next Oncologist appointment and we’ll be dealing with setting up the chemo/radiation/trial thing at that point.
I just want to not be nauseated all the time. I mean jesus, I haven’t even started chemo yet.
Fuck Cancer.
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