Awake. Again.
Took a nausea pill but it hasn’t really kicked in yet so things are a little iffy. I don’t understand how it can be possible to be this physically and emotionally tired and still not be able to fall asleep.
I’ve had bouts of insomnia throughout most of my life. I’m really kind of a night person anyway so to a certain extent it’s not even necessarily insomnia. Except every few years it happens.
The last time it was really really bad (like… not too much worse than this to be honest) was when I moved in with dad after I left UNT. I never slept. There would be times when I would be awake for 36+ hours with not a single nap, or drop off, or pause. I’d write nonstop, I’d watch movies, and I’d feel myself losing touch.
I won’t lie that the last few weeks leading up to where I am now- have started to really mimic some of that sensation. I’ve cut caffeine almost completely. I try to wind down at the end of the day, give myself some real dedicated quiet/dark time to ease into it. But all I do is lay in my bed and feel like my skin is crawling. Or like i’m too hot and too cold all at once.
and I know, I’m not an idiot: I know treatment is causing at least SOME of that. But the drugs they gave me aren’t working. The only thing that seems to genuinely put me to sleep- is the iv injection of ativan. I take the pill form at night. It doesn’t. do. shit.
So I’m exhausted. To the point of added nausea. To the point of depression. To the point of feeling like I can’t function around the moodiness and stress and sheer exhaustion. And it’s not because I’m not tired. Apparently tired has nothing to do with it. And once I do zonk out, I can sleep fairly deeply, even wake up feeling rested to a certain degree. But falling asleep has become something really torturous for me. And I don’t know what to do about it.
I have an appt. at the sleep clinic up at UT on the of July. But jesus, how do I even begin to survive that long? emotionally, mentally… fuck that- physically?
I just want so desperately to be able to fucking SLEEP.
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