Saturday, April 14, 2012


OK. SO for those that are wondering what’s going on and have maybe missed the spastic updates of the last couple of days: Be aware there may be a bit of tmi Below but I’ll try to keep it to a minimum. .

Went to UT SW on Thursday to meet with the oncologist. She is evidently the specialist in endometrial cancer in the area. She was surprised to hear I’d been in pain, and so much as endometrial cancer usually doesn’t involve pain. .

During the physical exam I started to hemorrhage. She decided the best course of action was to send me directly to the OR for another D&C then keep me overnight to do a CT scan in the morning. .

After about an hour in surgery they removed 3lbs or so of tumors and abnormal tissue. According to Dr. Kehoe (my oncologist), I’ve been carrying around an impressive amount of abnormal tissue. They did not remove all of the tumors and tissue. Evidently they could have continued scraping for an hour and still not hit bottom.

The lymph nodes in that area are inflamed, but they’re not sure if it’s just… annoyance from everything that’s been done in the last month, or if the cancer has in fact spread. .

They took samples for path, and Monday or Tuesday they should know if the cancer has spread to my lymph nodes. .

Either way, they will be scheduling a complete hysterectomy in the next week or two depending only on the availability of the robotic equipment they’ll be using to begin the procedure. They feel my overall medical health is good enough to allow them to at last start the process robotically and then if they HAVE to go to full surgical form there they will. .

IF the path labs on the lymph nodes comes back clear, then it’s just a matter of doing the hysterectomy and all is well. If it has spread, then there is still the hysto but they will then form a plan of action from there to treat the spread. .

In the meantime, waiting on the path lab results and the robot to be available. She wants to move as quickly as possible, but needs to know if it’s spread to tell if she has to remove the lymph nodes as well as everything else. .

I should know more early next week. For the time being, I’m off of work. I have 2 weeks vacation time and will be filling out FMLA from there. Hopefully it hasn’t spread and then it’s simple. Surgery, recovery, and on with life. Right now we’re focusing prayers and energy on the lymph nodes enlargement JUST being irritation and not from spreading cancer. .

I appreciate so much all the prayers, good energy, vibes, love, etc. Keep it coming. Have much local support between my mom, grandparents, and godmother Kris. Dad may or may not fly in depending on what the path results and scheduling turns out to be. Emails/messages/texts etc. are loved and appreciated. Love and blessings to you all.

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