But the one I'm hoping he ultimately approves, and the one I'll be working through anyway is to revisit a project I did several years ago called DearMe.
At a time in my life when I was having trouble... loving myself- I did a daily photography project to try and ... fix that. Every day for 6 months I wrote something positive to myself on my hand, added a sticker or picture or embellishment... photographed it, edited it and journaled about it. It was immensely helpful and incredibly therapeutic.
When I was trying to decide what I wanted to do for this portfolio, I thought about revisiting that project. I also thought about how I'd wanted to add to it during my Cancer Journey. It occurred to me that I could use the same format- but instead of positive messages, or letters to myself- I could use it as a way to document some of the writing I did here.
So I started working, and digging through my old box of embellishments. I weeded through this blog, pulled out entries I wanted to highlight.
So far I have 11 finished images (one will actually be redone today probably because it didn't come out exactly the way I wanted it to). Most of the time the text is quoted directly from the entry (the date of which I print on my thumb for each photo)- but sometimes it's a paraphrase, or one line that summarizes the emotion of the piece.
Either way, it's turned into an incredibly moving and personal way to illustrate the last year of my life. The first 6 images can be seen below... and I'll add more each time I finish up a set of them.
These are not the only images I'll use. I'll likely go back and fill in other dates in between as well- but these were the ones that jumped out at me when I was doing the initial planning for the project.
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