Sunday, December 30, 2012

Nights of Pain

Having a bad pain night, which hasn’t happened in awhile.  Jesus.  I kinda forgot how much that could fucking hurt.
Took a pain pill, hoping it will work.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Waiting for the Shoe to drop...

I won’t lie,
I’m still kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I mean, I know it’s only been a few days.  It’s going to take some getting used to.
But it’s harder than I thought to really accept the whole… no more Cancer thing.
No argument, it’s better than the alternative.  But yeah… I thought the relief would be… more tangible.

The thing about Nsquared...

The thing about medicating pain with Norco + Nyquil is that one of two things will happen (at least to me):
1. I will actually wake 14 hours later after passing out cold and “sleeping” through the worst of the pain.
2. I will stay regrettably awake but suddenly cease to care that I’m still fielding a 10 (or sometimes higher) on the pain scale.
Right now, we’re at #2… but I’m about to crawl under the covers and hope that #1 is soon to follow.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Welcome to Remission

As of about an hour ago, I am officially:
Welcome to Remission!
I feel like I’ve been holding my breath for 2 years and I can finally relax.  Don’t even really  have words for all the feels.
Thank you so much everyone, who has been here supporting me for so long, for all of you who put up with my rants and tmi and bitching and moaning. 
It’s not all over yet, I have 5 years of “surveillance” before I’m considered “cured” but as of today the official word is No More Cancer.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Post-Chemo CT

I don’t even have words for how tired I am.
I finally fell asleep sometime right before 5:30am… which is when my first alarm went off. If you count the sleeping between alarms and snoozes, I probably got a whole 20 minutes.
Showered, dressed, and heading out for CT scans shortly.  Planning a nice long nap when I get home.  Hopefully this time I won’t be there until 1pm.  oy.
At least at the UT CT center, I know I’m in for a warm robe and nice staff… and one of my contrast fluid choices is “espresso” flavoring.
So it’s not all bad right?

So the good news is, since I was there at 7:30, I had drunk the barium by 8:15 and was out by 9am.
The bad news is I am so tired I might actually throw up. :ugh:
Home, changed into comfies and going to take a VERY long nap.